Myofascial Release Treatments

Our one-on-one therapy sessions are hands on treatments during which we use a multitude of Myofascial Release techniques and movement therapy.  We promote independence through education in proper body mechanics and movement, through the enhancement of strengths and flexibility as well as postural movement and awareness. 


It's good to understand that during Myofascial Release treatments, you may be treated in areas that you think are not related to your condition.  MFR is a complete whole body approach to treatment. 


A good example is lower back pain; although the lower back is primarily involved, you may also have significant discomfort in the neck and shoulders, this is due to the gradual tightening of the fascia creating tension from the pull of 'in this case' the lower back.  Understanding your fascial footprint, your individual fascial web, that covers every part of your being, requires a different eye, a different understanding, and a different touch.


The success of Myofascial Release treatments is to keep the pressure and stretch extremely mild.  During treatment we will ask you to participate, with deep breathing, positive visualisations (which we will help you with) and feedback.

Myofascial Release Techniques

The type of Myofascial Release technique chosen by the therapist will depend upon where in your body the therapist finds the fascia restricted.  For example:

  • If it is restricted through the neck to the arm, the therapist may apply a very gentle traction to the arm, very slowly moving the arm through range as restrictions are released.
  • If it is restricted in the back (more superficial than deep) the therapist may apply a very gentle stretch on the skin across the back, with the use of two hands.
  • If the thoracic inlet, deep transverse fascia is suspected of being restricted, the therapist may place one hand on the upper back and one over the collarbone area in front and apply extremely gentle pressure.

Under a small amount of sustained pressure fascia will soften and begin to release barrier after barrier. We follow the fascial tissue flow as it moves three dimensionally.

If you have any queries, please phone me on 07951117826.